Boarding Agreement



Boarding Agreement

We at Silver Haven EQ welcome you as a boarder and require a completed boarding agreement. If you have any questions with the form or when you can bring your horse in please do not hesitate to contact the office.


This Equine Boarding Agreement is made today between Silver Haven Equestrian Ltd.(referred to as “Stable”) located at 64104 198 AVE W, FOOTHILLS, AB and the below mentioned and Signer of this contract (hereinafter called :Owner).

Owners Address(Required)

Horse(s) to be Boarded/Boarded and Trained

Please enter all pertinent information we need to properly care for your horse(s) and select the Boarding Package for each horse.

Horses Registered Name Actions
Please select Add Horse for each horse(s) you will be boarding with us.

Boarding FEES

Board/Board and Training is due on or before the first (1st) of each month. Board not received by the eighth (8th) of the month will incur a Five Percent (5%) late fee which will be charged on the next bill. Board/Board and Training will be charged based upon the selected Board/Board and training package selected by Owner. See attached Fee Schedule for what is included in each package.

Fee Schedule
Board packages

Package Description Indoor Board Outdoor Board Shared Outdoor Board Seasonal Board
Full use of the Facility
Standard Grain/ feed program
Owner Supplied
Hay fed 3x per day
Salt/ mineral blocks
Night Check
Daily Turnout /In
Blanket/Sheet as needed
$ 800
Contact US

All Boarders must take a minimum of 1 Group lesson per week.

Standard Grain/ Feed program includes:
  • 1 scoop Beet Pulp.
  • Up to 1 scoop Oats or Step 4 complete feed or Alfalfa cubes (depending on individual horse needs).

Horses needing additional fat or supplements we be offered our Special Grain/ Feed program for an additional charge added to the monthly invoice.

Special Grain/ Feed program:

  • $25 per month Step 6 seniors or Step 8 High Fat providing 1/2 a scoop of the special feed per day.
  • 25$ per month for extra supplement: 1 scoop Equine Power per day.

All sheets, blankets, tack, splint boots and necessary supplies used by your horse are supplied by the owner and used on your horse/pony by you and the trainer for training rides, lessons, shows etc.


Seasonal boarders are the only boarders allowed to have their own GRAIN, as their horses will only be boarding with us for shorter periods of time. The owners are required to obtain and purchase their horses grain.

Stable Safety Rules
  • No running in barn.
  • No screaming.
  • No smoking.
  • No open toed sandals or shoes inside barn or in close proximity to horses.
  • Always call out before opening arena door from stable.
  • Always lead horse with proper halter and lead shank or proper tack.
  • All Boarders. clients . students must review emergency evacuation plans and know where Muster Point is.

Veterinary , Farrier  and Quarantine/ Biosecurity protocols 
  • All new boarders must produce proof of up to date vaccine and deworming records prior to horses arrival.
  • All boarder horses must be on Silver Haven EQ's vaccine and deworming / dental schedules.
  • New Boarding horses must quarantine in Quarantine barn for 7 days with designated quarantine turn out paddocks before moving into main barn and being turned out near or with other horses.
  • Boarders must clean and disinfect all tack, horse supplies, grooming tools and personal belonging prior to moving them into Silver Haven EQ Facility.
  • All boarders will be in charge of paying for and acquiring any  medical supplies for injuries or rehabilitation as needed or will be charged accordingly on monthly invoice. 


In consideration of the package selected a per horse per month and/or per horse per day fee is charged and paid for prior to services provided, whereas the Stable agrees to board and/or board and train, the herein described horse on a month to month per day basis and will charge owner which owner agrees to pay. This fee includes the specified above mentioned services per week based upon the package owner selected, which is included in the description of services and described on the above shown Fee Schedule. Any additional lessons/rides/services will be charged at the regular rates specified in the Fee Schedule and will show on your next billing cycle.


Stable agrees to provide adequate feed and facilities for normal and reasonable care required to maintain the health and well-being of the animal, including stall and turnout. Any additional food or hay supplements will be provided by Stable beyond the specified amounts supplied with the package selected and will be billed accordingly.


During the time that the horse is in the custody and control of Stable, Stable shall not be liable for any sickness, theft, death, or injury which may be suffered by the horse or any other cause of action whatsoever arising out of or being connected in any way with the boarding of said horse(s). The Owner fully understands that Stable does not carry any insurance on any horse not owned by Stable for boarding or any other purpose. Therefore, accidental injury, theft, loss of use, medical care or equine mortality insurance or any other insurance that the Owner requires is to be purchased by Owner. All risks connected with boarding or for any other reason for which the horse(s) is/are in the possession of, or on the premises of Stable are to be borne by the Owner. In addition, Stable does not insure or assume any responsibility for your tack or belongings left on the premises.

Release and Hold Harmless

Owner agrees that a horse and any horse related activity can cause substantial personal injury and/or death by virtue of the horse's size, weight and temperament. Owner therefore releases and holds harmless Stable, its officers, governors, employees, stock holders, and individuals and, in particular, Jeremy Ockey, and Holly Roske, and all staff members of Silver Haven Equestrian Ltd., from any and all claims, causes of action or suit arising from any personal injury or death caused by any equine on the premises or off. It is recognized by Owner that any proximity to horses is inherently dangerous and that this Release and Hold Harmless is freely given. In addition, Owner agrees that he or she will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Stable from liability for all cost from, including legal fees arising from any accident, occurrence or any injury, whether bodily injury, death, and/or damage to personal property, incurred by Owner or by any invitee of Owner while on Stable premises.
For and in consideration of Stable providing horse trailering services to Owner, Owner hereby releases and holds harmless Stable for any injury, theft, loss, death or sickness that may be suffered by the horse or any other cause of action whatsoever arising out of or being connected in any way with the providing of trailering of said horse(s).
Owner warrants to Stable that he/she is in good health and has no medical conditions that would be aggravated or exacerbated by being on or in close contact with horses. Owner assures Stable that he/she has reviewed with the appropriate medical practitioners the proposed athletic activities to be undertaken and has received unconditional advice from the medical practitioner that he/she is able to take part in said athletic activity.


Stable agrees to attempt to contact Owner should Stable feel that medical treatment is needed for said horse(s). If Stable is unable to contact Owner, Stable is then authorized to secure emergency veterinary and/or blacksmith care required for the health and wellbeing of said horse(s). All costs of such care shall be paid directly to the service provider by Owner. In addition, charges will be assessed for in stable care provided by Stable, at any time, for extraordinary care, such as hosing, bandaging, etc.


Shoeing will be arranged with Stable Farrier through the Stable as is necessary. Stable agrees to provide basic worming as is reasonably required. Vaccinations are given twice a year and a Coggins test is drawn in the spring. Stable will arrange veterinarian services with stables vet. We encourage you to use the vet and farrier of the stable, if choose to use your own farrier and /or vet, you are responsible for all arrangements and must communicate all arrangements and results with stable. Owner must provide stable with documentation of required vaccinations and current Coggins from the start, at which point stable will manage vaccinations and Coggins ongoing. Stable will arrange equine dental services on a 6 month cycle based on each horses dental needs. All above costs of such care shall be paid directly to the service provider by Owner, if Stable pays veterinarian, dentist or farrier Owner will be billed for this service on the next billing cycle.


Stable will work with clients to buy, sell and lease horses as requested. This service includes finding potential prospects, trying horses, overseeing veterinary exams and negotiating prices and terms. Stable will charge a commission fee of 15% for these services, which will be based on the sales, purchase, or lease price of the horse. All travel, hotel, rental car and meal expenses are to be paid by the client. A consulting fee of $100/day will be paid by the prospective buyer to Stable. This fee will be deducted from the commission when purchase is complete.


Invoices are sent at the beginning of each month. Training is billed at the beginning of the month, as are deposits for horse shows. Horse show charges will be invoiced after the show. Bills are due within 8 days of the invoice date. Late fees will be charged at a rate of 18% per annum.

30-day notice is required for all horses leaving the Boarding, Boarding/Training program


This contract is a month to month tenancy and either party may terminate agreement only by providing the other party thirty (30) days certified written notice thereof.


Owner is put on notice that Stable has a right of lien against the horse itself as set forth in the law of the Province of Alberta for the amount due for the board and keep of such horse(s), and also for such storage. Stable has the right, without filing a lawsuit, to retain the horse(s) until the amount of such indebtedness is paid, and if the Owner fails to pay the amount due, Stable may sell said horse(s) at private or public sale pursuant to the law.


This Agreement shall be governed by the law in effect in the Province of Alberta.

Clear Signature